This very popular study website offers cost-effective ARE Exam study details and resources upfront and encourages architects to study hard for 1-2 years and stop delaying their exams over many years saving time and resources.
ARE Study Warrior – A study platform for younger architects, suggests the first STEP in becoming licensed … Stop wasting your time and energy delaying the finish of your Architectural License exams over 5-10 years. It makes no sense prolonging it that way.
“Becoming licensed is too important to put off for 5 to 10 years down the road,” says ARE Study Warrior founder and CEO. “It’s important that you begin the study process early in your career. You don’t want to end up working as an Architectural Designer for 10 years at a firm and still be without a license, which countless architects do. It just leads to frustration and under commitment to the end goal.”

Having a plan and a full schedule for each of your exams is HUGE!
After researching other ARE Exam study platforms, most of the study resources for architects do not focus on an effective schedule and productive exam study tips.
Countless sites just provide a lot of unorganized study material but do not give the practicing architect the helpful advice they truly need, i.e an effective order for their taking their 6 ARE Exam Divisions and a productive timetable for when to complete their exams.
Instead, young architects find themselves bouncing between several study resources over the years, spending hard earned money and not really having a defined schedule for when they plan to pass each exam and when they plan to finish all 6 exam divisions. They end up failing one and then take way too long of a break before jumping back on the saddle.
The 6 ARE Exam Divisions can be difficult, but they can also be easy to knock out one by one if you have the right mindset and strategy from the get-go.
One thing all younger architects can agree on….
“I just want to get licensed and move forward,” says Tony F.
Getting licensed is just a HUGE milestone accomplishment for architects in their 20’s and 30’s and it leads to greater job opportunities and greater pay down the road once they achieve it.
ARE Study Warrior is providing budding architects with a cost-effective platform that has all the resources they need to pass their exams the first time around.
For those of you who don’t know, these 6 divisional ARE Exams are quite expensive on an architect budget. Apparently it is now over $230 US dollars for each time you take a single exam. Wow, that’s no joke!
So you don’t want to fail too often because that is just a major hit to the pocket book.
In fact, one architect who used ARE Study Warrior’s platform said they passed all 6 of their exams without failing a single one!
That is an anomaly however, most architects fail one or two exams before passing all 6 divisions, but still, it gives us all hope to see that this is indeed possible.
There are good test takers out there and there are those that do not have the test taking gift. However, all of us can set milestone goals and it starts with setting a strong testing schedule for yourself for when you plan to take each exam.
“Once your order for taking the exams and your goals and testing schedule are set, you want to make sure you start studying your Flash Cards, watching Study Videos, and looking at all the Architectural Details you can get your hands on … a minimum of 2 or 3 months before your exam.”
The ARE Study Warrior website seems to have all these resources at the fingertips of the practicing architect and more importantly they seem to care and have a goal oriented vision for younger architects.
It is a better world when all of our architects are striving forward, becoming licensed, focusing on design and are as educated as they can be!
Avid Architectural Enthusiast | Donovan M | LEED Goals